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What Are The New e911 Requirements For Hotels (Kari's Law & Ray Baum Act)?

The new E911 requirements for hotels are part of two laws: Kari's Law and the Ray Baum's Act. These laws were enacted to improve the ability of emergency responders to locate and assist...

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What are the Differences Between WiFi 5, 6, & 6e?

WiFi 5, also known as 802.11ac, is the previous generation of Wi-Fi technology. It offers faster speeds and improved performance compared to older WiFi standards, but it has...

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The Top 10 Benefits of WiFi 6 for Use in a Hotel Guest WiFi Network

WiFi 6, also known as 802.11ax, is the latest generation of WiFi technology, offering faster speeds and improved performance for a wide range of devices. For hotels...

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Improve Your Hotel Guest WiFi With These 5 Concepts

Many properties have no idea how much of their Internet connection is getting used, which can result in connections getting saturated (100% usage) during peak usage times...

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Top Concerns For Every Work From Home Office

When we decided to work remotely in March 2020, we sent most of our employees home and gave most of them a minimal setup to get started. A few months later, when it became apparent we would be working remotely for the long haul, we launched an initiative to beef up the work from home (WFH) setup for our team...

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Reduce the Risk of Falling Victim to a Phishing or BEC Attack

Phishing attacks target organizations of all sizes and is becoming increasingly prevalent, sophisticated, and costly. But the security used to combat phishing attacks has become even more complex when introducing the possibility that your employees are...